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Varicose veins affect millions of people nationwide. They are unattractive and embarrassing at the very least and may be the only warning sign of a more serious condition. Read on to learn more about varicose veins and why you should not just let them be.

What to residents of Chicago, IL need to know about varicose veins?

After the arteries deliver nutrient-rich blood to the body, veins work to return the blood to the heart to be enriched with nutrients again. The veins in the legs must work against gravity to do this, and they do so with the help of tiny pressure valves. Weak or damaged valves in the veins can cause varicose veins by keeping blood from moving efficiently through the vein.

The one-way valves inside the veins open to let blood flow through and then shut to keep blood from flowing backward. If the valves become weak or damaged, blood flow can slow down or stop and blood can pool in the veins. The excess fluid inside the veins causes the veins to swell.

Medical scientists are not exactly sure why valves become weak or damaged, but weak valves might be associated with weakened vein walls. If the walls of the veins are weak, the normally elastic vein walls become hard and stiff. Like an overstretched rubber band, the vein walls become enlarged and floppy, making it impossible for the vein valves to completely close. Blood may be able to seep through.

When the valves can no longer close adequately, blood can flow backward through the valves. The backflow of blood fills the veins and stretches the already enlarged vein walls even more. As a result, the veins become larger, stretched out and twisted. These are the bulging, ropy varicose veins often seen on the lower legs.

They aren’t bothering me, so why should I seek treatment for varicose veins in Chicago?

You have already learned how varicose veins become varicose veins. Veins are an essential part of the circulatory system that functions to transport oxygen and other vital nutrients into your heart and other major organs to keep the body in top condition. Whether you feel the effects or not, when the veins are not working properly, blood cannot flow efficiently and your health can suffer.

The side effects of varicose veins may not always be apparent, but if they are not treated and they become worse, the effects are anything but pleasant. Some of the symptoms of neglected varicose veins are pain, throbbing, heavy feelings in the legs and skin discoloration. If left to progress further, skin damage, ulcerations and even blood clots can occur due to varicose veins.

How can a vein center in Chicago help with varicose veins?

As you can see, getting vein care in Chicago is not only for people who want to improve the look of their unsightly problem veins. If you have varicose veins, you owe it to yourself to get treated for them right away even if they are not currently causing you bothersome problems. Dr. Ramon Castro a vein expert in Chicago is a renowned specialist in the use of vein lasers in Chicago for making patients with varicose veins look and feel better and healthier. To learn more, please call us at 773-283-7887. We will talk to you soon!