Vein Care Specialists in Chicago on Vein Disease

Vein Care Specialists in Chicago on Vein Disease

Vein disease is a concern that affects nearly 70 million men and women nationally every year. As a disease that is made worse by aging, modern lifestyle, and genetics, vein disease is here to stay and may continue to grow in prevalence. Today’s vein care specialists in Chicago are committed to promoting awareness of this common disease in order to help individuals recognize the warning signs, to encourage prompt treatment when appropriate, and to reduce their risk of developing venous conditions in the first place.

What do residents of Chicago need to know about vein disease?

Vein disease can affect your veins in various ways. The vein walls might become hard through age and smoking. The vein valves that push blood upward might malfunction and retain fluid in the veins. Plaque from an unhealthy lifestyle or family history might build up inside the veins to cause blood clots. Any of these conditions can lead to decreased circulation, causing blood to pool within the veins in the legs, feet and ankles. Bulging varicose veins, blood clots, bleeding skin ulcers, and many other potentially devastating consequences can arise from vein disease.

What are the symptoms of vein disease?

Vein disease takes many forms. Conditions that affect the veins can produce symptoms that range from mild to severe. For many people, vein disease is silent, producing no noticeable symptoms at all, while for many others, vein disease can be debilitating and can result in a poor quality of life.

Common vein disease symptoms include:

  • Spider veins
  • Varicose veins
  • Throbbing or tingling sensations
  • Heavy or tired feelings in the legs
  • Swollen legs and ankles
  • Skin discoloration
  • Achiness and pain
  • Skin ulcerations
  • Blood clots

What causes diseased veins?

As any Chicago vein specialist will tell you, there are many factors that affect the likelihood of vein disease. The most common risk factor for getting vein disease is one that you can’t control—your genes. Other unchangeable risk factors include being female, hormonal fluctuations, and aging. Incredibly, it is estimated that nearly half of all Americans age 50 and over have vein problems.

There is good news, however, as there are some vein disease risk factors that can be controlled. A sedentary lifestyle, standing too much, being overweight, smoking, and eating an unhealthy diet can all contribute to poor vein function. These risk factors are all changeable, meaning that if you make small changes to your lifestyle such as eating healthier and exercising regularly, you can lower your risk for developing vein disease. To learn where to begin on making changes to your lifestyle to get healthier veins, talk with a Chicago vascular doctor today.

What types of treatment options are best for me?

The best varicose vein treatment in Chicago for you depends on the severity of your condition, your overall health, and your expectations from treatment. To accommodate a wide variety of patient needs, we offer multiple advanced venous procedures that can be done right in our office in less than an hour. Chicago vein treatment centers such as Chicago Vein Care Center offer pain-free, effective treatment options that can help you look better and feel healthier.

We also meet the needs of patients who don’t mind the appearance of leg veins and who don’t want or require surgical treatment. These patients can maintain healthy veins and slow down the progression of vein disease through tried-and-true non-surgical methods. Dr. Ramon Castro and his professional team help patients understand their condition and teach them ways to find relief that they can do at home, including making the necessary steps toward lifestyle modification.

For more information on vein disease and the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for various conditions, call us at 773-283-7887. A friendly representative will be happy to answer all your questions or schedule you for a venous evaluation when you’re ready to see us.