If you’re reading this, you’re probably already familiar with the most common visible sign of vein disease: spider veins and varicose veins. While unpleasant, varicosities aren’t usually a medical concern, but there are many more vein issues that can negatively impact your health. Keep reading to learn more about this common condition that affects more than half of all Americans age 50 and over.

What do Chicago residents need to know about vein disease?

Although Chicago vascular doctors are unsure of the exact cause of vein disease, we do know that when veins do become diseased they are unable to adequately move blood out of the lower body. This poor circulation can be caused by faulty vein valves or blood clots. So, instead of nourishing the body with oxygen and other essential nutrition, the blood stagnates inside the vein, leading to swelling, varicose veins, leg pain, and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Anyone can develop vein disease, but lifestyle, age, and genetics play a large role in determining your vein disease risk. Luckily, vein disease can be easily treated by minimally invasive outpatient procedures and lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, many people choose to ignore their vein problems. Whether you choose to live with varicose veins because you feel as if they’re only a cosmetic problem or you’re afraid of getting vein removal in Chicago, know this: vein disease doesn’t get better on its own.

In fact, vein disease is a progressive disease that can become worse over time. Without treatment, many patients face severe consequences beyond leg pain and tiredness. Blood clots, bleeding ulcers, infection—even death—can occur as a result of untreated vein disease.

Learn more about vein disease conditions and treatments at www.yourveinexpert.com. To schedule a treatment consultation and risk screening, please call us at 773-283-7887.